Si diploma in Trombone, Strumentazione per Banda e Composizione al Conservatorio di Musica “G. Rossini” di Pesaro.
Prosegue gli studi al Berklee College di Boston con Phil Wilson, Jeff Galindo, Hal Crook e Gorge Garzone.
La sua attivita’ concertistica, che va dalle piccole formazioni alle grandi orchestre, lo porta a collaborare con importanti musicisti del panorama Jazz Italiano e internazionale: Kenny Wheeler, Bob Brookmeyer, Bob Mintzer, Mike Stern, Scott Robinson, Bill Cunliffe, Martin Wind, Joe La Barbera, Greg Hopkins, Maria Schneider, Ayn Inserto, Paul Mc Candless, WDR Big Band, Cyro Baptista, Kurt Elling, Ryan Truesdell, Fabio Zeppetella, Ramberto Ciammarughi, Massimo Manzi, Paolo Damiani, Marco Tamburini, Fabrizio Bosso, Javier Girotto, Gianluca Petrella, Gianluigi Trovesi, Cristina Zavalloni, Gabriele Mirabassi, Aldo Romano, Toninho Horta, Ronnie Cuber, Leszek Kulakowski, Jack Walrath, Lewis Nash, Jay Anderson, Gil Goldstein, Steve Wilson, Ethan Iverson, Paolo Fresu, Enrico Rava, Bill Frisell, Thomas Morgan, John Scofield e molti altri.
E’ molto attivo anche come arrangiatore e compositore, i suoi lavori sono stati suonati da numerose big band e orchestre in giro per il mondo.
Ha all’ attivo oltre settanta incisioni come leader, sideman e co-leader.
Nel 2001 fonda la “COLOURS JAZZ ORCHESTRA” di cui e’ il direttore, con la quale incide cinque dischi, “Nineteen Plus One” con Kenny Wheeler, “Quando m’ innamoro”…in Jazz, su musiche di Roberto Livraghi, “Home Away From Home” con la compositrice statunitense Ayn Inserto, “ArrangiaMenti” con Scott Robinson, Martin Wind, Joe LaBarbera e Bill Cunliffe e il più recente “Momenti” uscito per Egea Records.
Ha anche all’attivo diverse pubblicazioni didattiche per la Volonté & Co., “Speak!” sull’articolazione jazz del trombone, “IMPRO(VE)!” relativo alle tecniche di improvvisazione e di prossima uscita “ARRANGIATE(VI)!”, un manuale di arrangiamento per piccole formazioni e per big band.
Attualmente è insegnante di Trombone Jazz al conservatorio F. Venezze di Rovigo.
Massimo Morganti, trombonist, composer, arranger and conductor.
Graduated in trombone, composition and orchestration for symphonic band at the G. Rossini Conservatory in Pesaro, after a period of study at the Berklee College in Boston with Phil Wilson, Jeff Galindo, Hal Crook and George Garzone, he started the Colours Jazz Orchestra, that became soon one of the best big band in Italy.
With this band he recorded three CDs, the first “Nineteen plus One” with Kenny Wheeler, the second “Quando m’ innamoro”…in Jazz, with italian songs from the sixties written by Roberto Livraghi and the third one with the american composer Ayn Inserto.
Since 1992 he has pursued an active performing career as big band conductor, lead trombone and sideman, playing in major jazz clubs, festivals and concert halls throughout Italy, Europe, South Africa, Colombia and Japan, collaborating with a lot of great jazz musicians like Kenny Wheeler, Bob Brookmeyer, Bob Mintzer, Mike Stern, Scott Robinson, Bill Cunliffe, Martin Wind, Joe La Barbera, Greg Hopkins, Maria Schneider, Ayn Inserto, Paul Mc Candless, WDR Big Band, Cyro Baptista, Kurt Elling, Ryan Truesdell, Fabio Zeppetella, Ramberto Ciammarughi, Massimo Manzi, Paolo Damiani, Marco Tamburini, Fabrizio Bosso, Javier Girotto, Gianluca Petrella, Gianluigi Trovesi, Cristina Zavalloni, Gabriele Mirabassi, Aldo Romano, Toninho Horta, Ronnie Cuber, Leszek Kulakowski, Jack Walrath, Lewis Nash, Jay Anderson, Gil Goldstein, Steve Wilson, Ethan Iverson, Paolo Fresu, Enrico Rava, Bill Frisell, Thomas Morgan, John Scofield and many others.
He i salso very active as an arranger and composer for big band and orchestra, his works have been played in many jazz and classical festivals around the world.
As a recording artist he has performed on over 70 jazz CDs.
He published two books for Volonté & co. “IMPRO(VE)! a practical guide for the jazz improviser and SPEAK!, the jazz articulation on the trombone. Coming soon his last work “ARRANGIATE(VI)!, a book about jazz arranging.
From 2005 he teaches jazz trombone and big band at the F. Venezze Conservatory in Rovigo.